Connecting City Leaders to Share and Adapt Innovative Ideas

Data-Smart City Solutions

Chiefs of staff convene at the Project on Municipal Innovation at Harvard, March 2023.
Sybil Madison speaks at the Project on Municipal Innovation, Spring 2023


The Project on Municipal Innovation, launched in 2006, is directed by Harvard Kennedy School professor Stephen Goldsmith. The program consists of chiefs of staff of the 35 largest cities across the U.S., who come together to share and adapt best practices and innovative policy ideas that increase efficiency and improve the lives of citizens.

Over 200

Expert program speakers to date

The Project on Municipal Innovation has hosted two convenings per year for 17 years, providing a unique opportunity for cities to share and adapt best practices and innovative policy ideas that improve the lives of citizens.

Representatives discuss important policy challenges and innovative solutions with national policy experts, academic thought leaders, and senior government practitioners. Previous convenings have focused on critical topics in urban policy, ranging anywhere from city competitiveness to leading in times of change.

At the most recent convening, chiefs of staff left with tools and concrete action plans to address pressing issues around increasing economic mobility and minority homeownership and revitalizing neglected neighborhoods.


I cannot overstate the value PMI offers chiefs of staff by creating a community of peers and experts to learn from and lean on as our cities grapple with increasingly complex and challenging issues. Kelly Fong Rivas
Senior Advisor, Racial Equity, Public Health & Safety, City of Sacramento

Exclusive: Richard Florida on the Resiliency of Cities

Listen to author, professor, and renowned urbanist Richard Florida talk about the relationship between remote work and housing prices, downtown revitalization, and myths about the future of cities at the 2023 convening.

Learn more about Data-Smart City Solutions

Data-Smart City Solutions is working to catalyze adoption of data projects on the local government level by serving as a central resource for cities interested in this emerging field.

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