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Omri Segev

Research Assistant - Stakeholder Mapping & International Partner Community

Bloomberg Center for Cities


Omri Segev is a Master in Public Administration student at the Harvard Kennedy School. After discharging from his four-year military service and graduating from another four years in college, Omri served as CEO of Awakening in Jerusalem, the largest municipal political party in Israel’s capital.

Following that, Omri ran a leading accelerator program for public sector officials at MAOZ, Israel’s leading NGO for training, networking, and accelerating the performance of Israel leadership.

Somewhere in the middle, Omri scratched his entrepreneurial itch and founded Like a Local, a tourism venture with a mission to to strengthen Jerusalem’s local economy.

Omri holds a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and a Master in Business Administration in innovation and entrepreneurship. But more importantly, he is a loving spouse to Tal and, whenever he can, he enjoys holding his baby boy Jonathan.

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