Press Contact
Maria Daniels
Senior Director of Communications
(617) 495-2419
What we're up to
24 Newly-Elected Mayors Begin Program for New Mayors: First 100 Days
Thirteen Harvard Graduates Take Up New Roles as Bloomberg Harvard City Hall Fellows
Local Politics Lab Launches TrueViews Public Opinion Resource
Harvard Law Today
Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative Announces Eighth Class of Mayors to Receive Executive Education Training
HKS Assistant Professor Liz McKenna Awarded Carnegie Fellowship to Research Threats to Democracy
New Research Aims to Develop Insights on Violence Against Women Leaders
How a Former Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative Summer Fellow Is Creating Better Access to Data in Syracuse
From Data-Smart City Solutions: Expanding Discretion and Accountability in the Context of AI
1 Results
Forty mayors go back to school
Needed: First-class training for mayors
Helping Mayors do their job