Chao Guo
Professor of Nonprofit Management, University of Pennsylvania
Chao Guo is professor of nonprofit management in the School of Social Policy and Practice, and associate faculty director of Fox Leadership International, both at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. in public administration from the University of Southern California, and his Bachelor of Arts in international relations from Renmin University of China. Chao’s research interests focus on the intersection between nonprofit and voluntary action and government. More specifically, he conducts research on the contributions of nonprofit organizations to democratic governance, collaboration within and across sectors, social entrepreneurship, and the role and effects of new media on nonprofit organizations. He has many published articles in highly respected and influential journals, and has published two books: “Social Entrepreneurship: An Evidence-Based Approach to Creating Social Value” (Wiley, 2014; co-authored with Wolfgang Bielefeld); and “The Quest for Attention: Nonprofit Advocacy in a Social Media Age” (Stanford University Press, 2020; co-authored with Gregory D. Saxton). His research has been recognized by his peers and won awards from multiple disciplines.